the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled. the future is cancelled.





Immersive Performance, 2021

Pedro Lima, Ana Vieira Leite


LUZ é uma experiência performativa imersiva e duracional a acontecer na caixa de palco do Grande Auditório do CCVF. A dramaturgia nasce da desmontagem e releitura dos sistemas cénicos enquanto materiais que escrevem o espaço, o tempo e a narrativa, numa relação estreita e imprevisível com o público. Uma encenadora-dramaturga, um designer de luz e um compositor, a que se junta uma cantora lírica, propõem-se partilhar um processo de criação que flui entre as artes cénicas e a música, lugar híbrido de encontro, onde se permitem coexistir, tocando-se, divergindo, interrelacionando referentes e multiplicando possibilidades de sentidos. Oportunidade de reconfigurar processos colaborativos de criação e de reinventar modos de escrita e composição cénicas.

in Agenda Cultural Guimarães (2021)





LUZ is an immersive and durational performative experience taking place on the stage box of the CCVF's Grand Auditorium. Dramaturgy is born from the dismantling and rereading of scenic systems as materials that write space, time and narrative, in a close and unpredictable relationship with the audience. A stage director-playwright, a light designer and a composer, who is joined by an opera singer, propose to share a creative process that flows between the performing arts and music, a hybrid meeting place, where they allow themselves to coexist, playing themselves, diverging, interrelating referents and multiplying possibilities of meanings. Opportunity to reconfigure collaborative creative processes and to reinvent scenic writing and composition modes.

in Agenda Cultural Guimarães (2021)